Believe it or not, there is actually scientific evidence to back up using your skincare products in the correct order to ensure are getting the most from them. In simple terms, this research found that products should be applied based on their consistency - thin products first, and heavier or thicker products to follow.  

Applying your skincare this way means that you allow the active ingredients in your chemical exfoliants/retinols/serums to fully absorb into the skin before applying your moisture and hydration layers.

A simple routine should look like this:

Step one - Cleanse
Start with a good cleansing oil or balm.  
Once in the morning and twice/double cleanse in the evening. Thoroughly cleansing the skin prepares your it to receive and absorb products and therefore makes them much more efficient.

Step two - Toner/Acid
Gone are the days of toners loaded with floral scents or drying alcohols. We are huge fans of the new wave of toners that include a range of exfoliating acids, as these help work away dead skin cells whilst also brightening the skin’s surface. They are also fantastic for those with breakouts, helping to regulate oil production and promote balance in the skin.

Step three - Serum
Serums are usually the lightest/thinnest formulation in your skincare routine and so they should be the first thing you put on your face, after your actives. Serums generally need to be placed or pressed onto the skin rather than massaged in - as they are water-based, they work quickly so don’t rub around in your palms before application, or you’ll just end up with very well cared for hands!

Step four – Oil
Facial oils are heavenly, fact. Don’t fall for the old wives tales that tell you oily skin should only be treated with oil-free products. If your skin is oily and you deprive or remove the oil from your face, your skin will over compensate and produce more as a result. Always look for something that uses natural plant or seed oils - our Signature Blend33 or Blend46 oils are a great choice! 

Step five - Moisturiser
At this stage, you should check and feel your skin to see if your previous product has been absorbed. Sweep all over your face and neck.

Remember, this is a fairly basic routine and doesn’t include specific treatments like retinols, masks, eye creams etc, but if you’d like more information or to work with Jo on creating a bespoke skincare routine for your skin, click the button below to book a Signature facial!


