As each summer draws to a close, it is always a great time to take a step back and have a good look at your skin - were you as diligent with the SPF as you thought? Have you noticed any changes in your skin? Asking these questions will help you decide what needs to change in your routine for the winter months.

Summer can play havoc with our skin - dehydration from too much sun exposure, blocked pores from using the wrong type of SPF, the list goes on…

One of the main after-effects of too much sun exposure is hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation can take many forms, from freckles, to sun spots, to Melasma. In this post, we talk about the lesser known type of hyperpigmentation - Melasma.

What is Melasma?

Melasma is a type of hyperpigmentation thought to be caused by hormonal imbalances. It is therefore most commonly found in pregnant women and women who have just given birth (hence also being referred to as the “mask of pregnancy”), as well as women on the contraceptive pill. It appears as brown ‘splodges’ on the face, usually on the forehead, cheekbones and above the upper lip. There can be a slight symmetry to Melasma i.e. if you have it on your left cheek, it will appear in a similar position and shape on your right cheek.

IMPORTANT - It is notoriously hard to treat, so prevention is definitely better than cure in this case.

As Melasma is caused by hormonal imbalances, if you are pregnant, have just given birth or have been on the contraceptive pill for a long time, you are likely to be susceptible. As with all types of pigmentation, sun exposure and heat will make it worse, so Melasma can become more prominent during the summer months or at times when you expose yourself to high temperatures - think hot yoga, steam rooms, saunas.

How can we prevent/treat Melasma?

As you enter the Autumn & Winter months, it’s the perfect time to shift your focus from prevention (hello, SPF!) to treatment. Many treatments used to fade Melasma/hyperpigmentation (such as acid toners & retinoids) can make the skin more photosensitive and prone to burning, so it makes sense to up your usage of these products in the months when the sun isn’t as strong and you’re less likely to be sun-bathing.

As previously mentioned, Melasma is very difficult to treat or cure due to its hormonal connections - some women report their Melasma disappearing after they come off their contraceptive pill, only for it to flare up again once they became pregnant. So, all we can do is try to stop Melasma worsening during the Summer months whilst attempting to fade it during the Winter months - this is true for all types of pigmentation.

Some key ingredients to incorporate into your skincare routine when trying to fade Melasma/hyperpigmentation are:

  • Retinoids (Vitamin A)

  • Vitamin C

  • Azelaic acid

  • Niacinamide

And when Summer does roll around next year (or for those of us lucky enough to be get some Winter sun!) - if you suffer from any form of hyperpigmentation, put simply - keep your face out of the sun!

Wear a wide brimmed sunhat at all times if you are going to be out in the sun, sit in the shade when you can and invest in a high factor facial sunscreen.

If you have any questions regarding Melasma, hyperpigmentation, SPFs, or the ingredients/products we’ve mentioned above, please get in touch with us at or click the button below to book a Signature Facial.


