We love Stylist as much as the next girl – we really do! However, after recently coming across an article about how much of each skincare product you should use, we knew we had to bust some myths.

There are two reasons why it is important to know how much product you should be using. Firstly, so your product is as effective as you need it to be. Secondly, so you don’t wash it all down the plug hole, or end up with a super moisturised and radiant pillow!

So we’re here to provide you with a list of what we recommend and use ourselves. Here goes…

  • Cleanser
    This does depend on what type of cleanser you are using, but we tend to only recommend oil-based balms to our clients so we will base the below on a balm cleanser.

    1st cleanse – 2 macadamia nut-sized amount
    2nd cleanse – 1 macadamia nut-sized amount

  • Exfoliator
    If you are using a physical exfoliator (the type with ‘bits’) then we would suggest no more than blueberry sized amount. Also, GO EASY on the physical exfoliators, if at all. Overuse of these can really damage your skin.

    If you are using an acid exfoliator/toner, soak your cotton pad until ¾ is saturated and use both sides when applying - one side for your upward strokes and the other to work your way back down the face and neck. Occasionally, we use this on our décolletage as well. Anything to avoid the crepe chest!

  • Facial Mist
    Okay, so we have to confess… we here at 33Dowanhill are a collective of mist junkies. We use them ALL the time. If you are new to misting, we would suggest a good couple of pumps initially to cover your entire face. What is great about mists is that you can use them throughout the day to rehydrate - sitting at your desk, on the train home, anytime you feel you need a little boost of moisture. Mists are particularly useful when you are flying and want to avoid a parched leather-looking face when you land!

  • Eye Cream
    There are so many discussions in the beauty industry about the effectiveness of eye creams. We do have to say that not all of us use one religiously, but we do understand that this is an essential piece of kit for those with specific concerns around this area. Take it easy though, 1 pine nut-sized amount for both eyes is more than enough. 

  • Serum
    Serums should be the most treasured part of anyones skincare routine. We LOVE them.  Without them, we genuinely feel sad (we know…first world problems. But we are skincare junkies, what can we say?) We tend to use 1 pump for morning serums and 2 pumps for evening serums.

  • Oil
    Most oil products come with a handy pipette to dispense accurately (ours do!) We would suggest 4 drops for normal application. What you are looking for is good coverage with a little slip (certainly no drag) without being super slick. If you are using your oil for facial massage, try using 8-10 drops to give a little more glide.

  • Moisturiser
    We read a great analogy about moisturiser from the greatest beauty blogger there ever was (bow down to the Queen - Caroline Hirons!) “Oils and serums are like medicine when you are sick - moisturiser is the duvet you wrap around yourself after you’ve taken the medicine!” We would suggest trying a 20p sized-amount for your face and neck. DON’T FORGET THE NECK, LADIES! If that isn’t enough to cover your neck, add a 5p sized-amount for this area.

If you have any questions or would like further information regarding this topic, please get in touch with us at info@33dowanhill.com or connect with us on instagram @33dowanhill.


